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Live Transmission from the Test Lab

The test labs at ZwickRoell in Ulm feature state-of-the-art multimedia technology and are equipped with everything necessary for web conferencing. Customers from around the world can tune in live while tests are running and witness their specimen's behavior with their own eyes.

ZwickRoell has long been able to perform, comprehensive quasi-static, cyclical and impact dynamic tests to the customer's order. Our team of qualified test engineers and materials testers implements standard-compliant contract testing in test labs designed specifically for this purpose. In addition, our Service department offers pre-testing, in which they provide the customer with information about whether there is a suitable machine for their specimen material. Now, customers can participate during pre-testing via web conference. While interaction with customers was previously limited to receiving the specimens and delivering the test reports, ZwickRoell has decided to take it a step further now: test labs are equipped with cameras and microphones, enabling video and audio to to be recorded during the test. Internet-based conferences provide customers the opportunity to see how their test material behaves during testing no matter where they currently may be. Customers can ask questions and comment on the test sequence during the transmitted test, and at the end can discuss the test result with the responsible team member. In contrast to receiving a simple test report, customers get a more sophisticated picture of how their specimens are being tested and when and how material failure occurs. Approximately 50 testing machines and instruments for this new service ranging from static testing machines to hardness testers and pendulum impact testers to dynamic testing machines, are available in the ZwickRoell Materials Testing Laboratory. With these testing machines, over 20 industry applications are covered. This new practice offers international customers in particular the opportunity, for the first time ever, to regularly participate live in contract testing and pre-testing. Multiple participants can tune into the conference and follow the tests audio-visually, without having to travel long distances.

More information about ZwickRoell test lab
