
Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) to ASTM D2344

ASTM D2344, ISO 14130, EN 2377, EN 2563

纖維增加複材的層間剪切強度(ILSS) 描述了複材層壓平面之間的剪切強度,並使用短樑剪切測試測定。 測試的執行詳述於ASTM D2344、EN 2563 和 EN ISO 14130 標準。

測試目標與性能 試樣與尺寸 計算 ILSS 測試治具 相關試驗機 下載

Objective of the ILSS test and performance to ASTM D2344

The interlaminar shear strength of laminates with a brittle matrix, made of epoxy resin for example, is typically determined using a short beam shear test (SBS). This takes advantage of the fact that shear stresses always occur in a flexure test. If the support span is small compared to the specimen thickness, the shear stresses that occur are very large compared to the normal stresses generated by the bending moment. In this way, a shear stress fracture can be generated in brittle matrix materials, enabling measurement of the shear strength.


The short beam shear test can be performed according to different standards, including ASTM D2344, EN 2563 or EN ISO 14130.



Specimens and dimensions for measurement of the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS)


  • 在材料研發過程中,通常對厚度2mm的標準積層板進行測試。根據採用的標準,試片跨距8或10 mm,公差範圍為±0.1 mm;EN 2563對彎曲度要求非常小的公差範圍,即±0.02 mm。
  • ZwickRoell測試工具能夠簡化試片對中以及跨距設置工作,同時能夠對支撑頭進行精確的平行度校正。


  • 由型材、板材或組件製成的積層板通常沒有標準厚度,這種情況下,觀察評估跨距/厚度比就非常重要了。每次測試中,必須用最簡便的方法,準確設定試片跨距,並且只進行一次對中。
  • ZwickRoell的ILSS測試治具為了滿足上述要求,專門配備了一個逆時鐘轉動導螺桿。支座下的標尺可以準確測量試片跨距。

Calculation of the interlaminar shear strength

To calculate the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), we use the equation you see on the right, where

  • Fm = maximum compressive force in Newton
  • B = measured specimen width
  • d = measured specimen thickness

Test fixture for determination of the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS)

  • 應用:

  • 功能描述:ILSS測試是一種典型的品質控管方法,適合比較不同材料的性能。由於跨距小,口模與上壓頭的精確對中尤為重要。這可透過口模臂實現。口模臂可固定,以便安裝試片。此外,還可以在口模臂上連接一個溫度感測器,靠近試片,以便在溫度箱中進行測試。距離為10 mm時,壓頭/厚度比非常小。因此,試片中會產生較高的剪切力和相對較低的彎矩。該方法提供的只是表觀剪切特性,因為應力峰值發生的位置接近上壓頭。

ZwickRoell ILSS 測試夾具的優點:

  • 上壓頭相對於口模精確對中
  • 上壓頭可輕鬆調整
  • 靠近試片的溫度感測器夾持選配
  • 最大測試力可達20 kN
  • 上壓頭和口模更換快速
  • 利用選配的導螺桿調節裝置,可快速、精確地調整上壓頭,以適應不斷變化的積層板厚度





Related testing machines for the ILSS test

Frequently asked questions about shear strength / interlaminar shear strength

The determination of the interlaminar shear strength of fiber-reinforced composites is used for quality monitoring of shear-stressed components. Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) describes the shear strength between laminate planes of composites.

To calculate the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), we use the following equation, where

Fm = maximum compressive force in Newton
B = measured specimen width
d = measured specimen thickness


名稱 類型 尺寸 下載
  • Produktinformation: Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung der interlaminaren Scherfestigkeit PDF 547 KB
  • Branchenbroschüre: Composites PDF 7 MB


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