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Uji Tarik Cincin sesuai ISO 8496, DIN 50138, ASTM A370

Uji tarik pada tabung logam

Uji tarik cincin sesuai ISO 8496, DIN 50138 dan ASTM A370 adalah metode uji tabung untuk mengevaluasi keuletan sambungan las dan untuk mendeteksi cacat permukaan.

In the ring tensile test, a ring cut from a tube is placed over two tension bolts and pulled crosswise to the tube axis. The standard does not explicitly specify the position of the weld seam; however, a position offset to the tensile direction by 90° is recommended to eliminate influences on the weld seam through the contact point in the specimen grips. If nothing else is specified, the test is performed up to break. Characteristic values such the force curve or displacement curve can be evaluated using the testXpert III testing software.

Uji tarik ring digunakan untuk tabung dengan diameter luar maksimum 150 mm, diameter dalam >100 mm, dan tebal dinding maksimum 40 mm.

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