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L&T in Hazira India extends their laboratory with ZwickRoell

Hazira Manufacturing Complex (MZMC) is a manufacturing facility specialized in large sized equipment for Process Plants and Nuclear and Defence sectors and it counts to one of the best in the world. HZMC is a part of L&T Heavy Engineering and it showcases a symphony of cutting edge equipment and technology for manufacturing. Materials testing is a crucial part of the quality control system, therefore HZMC invests in well-equipped testing laboratory with a range of testing equipment including 330kN Materials Testing Machine from ZwickRoell.

What were the challenges and testing requirements?

The most important for a manufacturing facility is to be capable of meeting the challenges of technology, quality conformance & delivery, while ensuring cost competitiveness. The 330kN UTM with pneumatic wedge grips & most advanced automatic makroXtens II extensometer assures reliable test results in the production line. The intelligent makroXtens II extensometer is already calibrated from a measurement travel of 20 mµ in class 0.5 & can be used up to specimen break. The extensometer fulfils the stringent test requirements of strain rate control test according to ISO 6892-1 & ASTM E 8.

What is your experience in working together with ZwickRoell?

“The 330kN UTM supplied by ZwickRoell India had some special features with respect to testing of steels such as, manual zeroing of load imposed on the specimen before carrying out test, proper alignment while testing flat specimens, recording of uniform plastic elongation and uniform total elongation as a part of tensile properties, determination of elastic modulus etc. which are admirable. The training and support provided by executive of ZwickRoell India during commissioning was commendable. The overall experience of using 330kN UTM was unified and praiseworthy.”

quoted by Mr. Avinash Pandey, Project Monitoring Group
