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Focus Days testXpo 2024

At this year’s testXpo, taking place from 10/21-10/24, 2024 we present special focus days for various topics/industries. On these days, we offer a topic-specific lecture program based on industry and research. In combination with the exhibits in the industry-related exhibition areas, this is the perfect opportunity for you to find out about trends and new opportunities in your subject area and to exchange ideas with our experts. Participation at our Focus Days is also free of charge. Reserve your spot by registering...

More information about our Focus Days:

Battery Hydrogen Pharma / Injection Systems Plastics Hardness Registration

Your benefits:

  • Exchange with application experts on a specific topic throughout the lectures or directly at the testing machines
  • Hands-on experience: getting to know the basic mechanical tests for R&D and production during guided tours
  • Expansion of your personal international network
  • Exclusive insight into product and application units

Battery Focus Day – October 21, 2024


  • ZwickRoell Battery Day – An introduction to battery testing
    Dr.Simon Vitzthum , ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG
  • Transforming Ideas into Innovations:Accelerated Battery Cell Development with 3D-printed Multi-Material Cell Housings
    Dr.Georg Schlick , Fraunhofer IGCV
  • Relevance of the Characterization of Mechanical Material Properties for the Electrode Development of Lithium-Ion Batteries
    Fatma Öztas, BMW Group
  • How External Pressure Supports Enhancing Lifetime Performance of Lithium-Ion batteries
    Hendrik Laufen , RWTH Aachen
  • Battery Abuse Testing – Unlocking New Potential by Combining Extreme Event Chamber and Testing Machine
    Dr.Matthias Eydner , Weiss Technik, Tim Frittel ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG

Complete lecture schedule

Exhibits & Technology

Registration More information on battery testing

Pharma/Injection Systems Focus Day – October 22, 2024


  • Functional Testing of Prefillable Glass Syringes Aligned with ISO 11040 Guidelines
    Dr.Peer Schrader , Schott AG
  • Performance Testing of Small-Bore Connectors According to the ISO 80369 Series of Standards:Borderline Cases, Pitfalls and Other Practical Tips from an Accredited Testing Laboratory
    PD Dr. Annette Kienle, SpineServ GmbH & Co. KG
  • Taking Handheld Self-Injection Beyond Volumes of 2.0 mL
    Daniel Käser , Ypsomed AG
  • Notified Body Opinion - Interesting Facts About Combination Products
    Annette von der Groeben , Seleon GmbH

Complete lecture schedule

Exhibits & Technology

Online registration

Hydrogen Focus Days – October 22/23, 2024


  • Carbon Paper Bipolar Plates for PEMFCs Realizing High Power Densities While Maintaining Long Durability
    Dr.-Ing Carsten Pohlmann , Vision One Energy GmbH
  • Boosting Hydrogen Technology:Comprehensive Material Testing Solutions for Generation and End Use
    Dr.Chen Cao , ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG
  • Hydrogen Research at ZSW - Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Stacks and Component Characterization
    Matthias Messerschmidt, Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
  • Challenges and Advances in Material Characterization for Hydrogen Technologies:Standards and Testing Methods
    Dr.Bernd Schrittesser , Scioflex Hydrogen GMBH
  • Optimizing Hydrogen Technology:Innovations in Material Testing Solutions for Storage and Distribution
    Dr.Chen Cao, ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG
  • Challenges of Hydrogen Embrittlement Investigations at the Materials Center Leoben
    Vsevolod Razumovskiy , Stefan Marsoner, Materials Center Leoben
  • Comprehensive Standardization of the Hollow Specimen Method for Tests in High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas
    Dr.Oded Sobol, Department of Component Safety, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin
  • Some Aspects of Testing Fiber-Reinforced Composites at Cryogenic Temperatures and Its Standardization
    Dr.Ernö Nemeth , Christoph Hoffmeister, Faserinstitut Bremen
  • Hydrogen Technology Development Efforts and Prospection of National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy (NICE) China
    Dr.Guangli He, National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy (NICE) China

Complete lecture schedule

Exhibits & Technology

Online registration

Plastics Focus Day – October 23, 2024


  • Basics of Melt Index Measurement
    Helmut Fahrenholz, ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG
  • Simplified Procedures for MFR and MVR Measurement
    Helmut Fahrenholz, ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG
  • The new Melt Flow Plastometers by ZwickRoell
    Dennis Stöhr, ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG

Complete lecture schedule

Exhibits & Technology

  • The plastics testing laboratory of the future: testing systems for all relevant mechanical material and component tests (tensile/compression/flexure, charpy impact, melt flow, fatigue, hardness)
  • Manual, semi-automated and fully automated testing systems for tensile and flexure tests
  • Global breakthrough: Mflow extrusion plastometer for MVR and MFR determination

Online registration

Hardness Testing Focus Day – October 24, 2024

Presentations (German)

  • Das Härteportfolio bei ZwickRoell – Ihr Komplettlösungspartner. Von Mikro bis Makro.Von Serie bis Customizing
    Alexander Rekelkamm / Michael Grandits, EMCO-TEST Prüfmaschinen GmbH
  • Customizing - Möglichkeiten, die Grenzen der klassischen Härteprüfung zu überwinden.Vom einfachen Probenhalter bis zu speziellen Prüfmaschinen & Automatisierung
    Christian Neumaier / Daniel Kraft, EMCO-TEST Prüfmaschinen GmbH
  • Trends in der Entwicklung unserer Härteprüfmaschinen - Einblicke in die neue Maschinen- und Softwaregeneration, Schnittstellenmanagement, Bilderkennung mittels KI und vieles mehr.
    Michael Grandits , EMCO-TEST Prüfmaschinen GmbH
  • Vision Line:Der neue Universalhärteprüfer – Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Zukunftssicherheit und Anpassungsfähigkeit in der neuen Generation
    Edina Jahic , EMCO-TEST Prüfmaschinen GmbH

Complete lecture schedule

Exhibits & Technology

  • Hardness testing machine for all common hardness test methods, such as Rockwell, Vickers, Brinell and Knoop
  • Discussion of your test applications with our hardness experts with direct access to the instruments
  • Find out what advantages different levels of automation offer
  • Global breakthrough: ecos3 testing software

Online registration

Do you have any questions regarding our event?

Please contact ZwickRoell in Ulm, Germany.

Via email Via phone
